Friday, July 29, 2011

Times have Changed.

Louise Nevelson

The Night before

Jon Stahn 'U.T.' 2010

Christan Andersson 'to R.M. for EVER' 2011

Christian Andersson 'Angel of the Heart' 2011

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Rundgang og en lille tour.

 No shortage of disco balls at this years Rundgang

Or Ventilators.

'Det meta-skulpturelle menneskes indre rum' ha ha ha.



Not art, but pretty nice.

pretty mental

Extreme interaction with the senses. Not pretty. 


angry projector

The war was on then too. 

Tell Hallaf

 Tell Hallaf at The Pergamon

The Tell Hallaf Goddess. Pretty Amazing. The greatest puzzle in museum history. 27.000 pieces + ten years and here they are, her and the rest of the sculptures of Tell Hallaf. Resurrected. 

The Assyrians


Television Tower eighties elevator



Dieter Roth 

Dieter Roth's coffee maker, 

Hamburger Bahnhof toilets


Cory Guitar Hero 

Cory Archangel Kitty Music

Mr. B.


The Cy Twombly room.

Waiting at the Charite emergency room and I'm not the only one.